Tuesday, 30 November 2010

something along the lines of this, only in car and background of space..!

interesting idea came to mind

green screen the whole of the inside of the car, and have the background in space. would be wacky and would be very effective in catching the eye of the audience! touching on something OK GO would produce!

Monday, 29 November 2010

toy car idea gone new ideas

Possible new idea the lyrics in the song say you cant pull my strings possibly have some one attached to strings being controlled by a girl and when we get to the line but you dont pull my strings cause im a ..... we cut the strings to symbolise him in control

good idea?

Monday, 15 November 2010

quite an interesting idea sprung to mind...!

i think this idea would suit to go into any stage of the video, have a paper cut-out of my car printed off and cut around it so it looks like a minature car...have it in a paper cut-out of a road and use stop motion to have the car moving down the road. as the car is moving along through stop motion it will gradually get bigger and bigger from more paper cut-outs, until the car actually grows into a real life car and we are in it. this would be very interesting to watch and it also strays away from ordinary ideas which can bore the audience, we got this feedback also from our target audience who said that they didnt want to see that type of thing. stevie

UPDATE FOR THIS EARLIER POST* we have now decided to purchase a toy car that is the same as mine, think this would look much better and have a much better effect! also makes it a more original idea

First Audience Feedback

Today we filmed our first focus group with class mates discussing our ideas for the music video and getting feedback on the song "She Moves In Her Own Way." We hope to use this information to improve on our ideas and tailor our video more to the preferences of our target audience.

Friday, 12 November 2010

We are currently in the process of uploading our first draft for our story board.
Other activities we are currently doing are thinking of new ideas to add to our video; one of the ideas involves a billboard and some text technology in which it creates the effect that one of the characters is writing on the billboard from the car.
We are also organising an interview with a focus group to see what our target audience thinks of our idea and the suitability of the song compared to the idea.

the black keys (your touch)

Another good video i especially like the ghost effect in this video and the way that in one scene you can see both the ghost of the people and then the real people which gives a good effect.

The black keys

good video and a good play with the way the kids sing the song great video and could take some ideas from this

Some ideas for the video

We are thinking of having two main parts to our video. One will involve our actors impersonating The Kooks as they travel around town prior to a gig that night. We will have scenes focusing on us traveling in a car, with a variety of effects and unique shots to make it more interesting. We also feel it is important that a girl features in the video given that the lyrics centre on a girl who "moves in her own way." The second part of the video will be our actors on stage performing the song at night. This clip will feature several times throughout the song, perhaps during the chorus in order to break up the video.

Ok go

Some stop motion taken to a great scale and i was think we could put some stop motion into our video for a small part, but still great video